
Argparse version

argparse module is a table with __call metamethod. argparse.version is a string in MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format specifying argparse version.

Overwriting default help option

If the property add_help of a parser is set to false, no help option will be added to it. Otherwise, the value of the field will be used to configure it.

local parser = argparse()
   :add_help "/?"
$ lua script.lua /?
Usage: script.lua [/?]

   /?                    Show this help message and exit.

Help command

A help command can be added to the parser using the :add_help_command([value]) method. It accepts an optional string or table value which is used to configure the command.

local parser = argparse()
parser:command "install"
   :description "Install a rock."
$ lua script.lua help
Usage: script.lua [-h] <command> ...

   -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.

   help                  Show help for commands.
   install               Install a rock.
$ lua script.lua help install
Usage: script.lua install [-h]

Install a rock.

   -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.

Disabling option handling

When handle_options property of a parser or a command is set to false, all options will be passed verbatim to the argument list, as if the input included double-hyphens.

parser:argument "input"
   :args "*"
parser:option "-f" "--foo"
   :args "*"
$ lua script.lua bar -f --foo bar
   input = {"bar", "-f", "--foo", "bar"}

Prohibiting overuse of options

By default, if an option is invoked too many times, latest invocations overwrite the data passed earlier.

parser:option "-o --output"
$ lua script.lua -oFOO -oBAR
   output = "BAR"

Set overwrite property to false to prohibit this behavior.

parser:option "-o --output"
$ lua script.lua -oFOO -oBAR
Usage: script.lua [-h] [-o <output>]

Error: option '-o' must be used at most 1 time

Parsing algorithm

argparse interprets command line arguments in the following way:

Argument Interpretation
foo An argument of an option or a positional argument.
--foo An option.
--foo=bar An option and its argument. The option must be able to take arguments.
-f An option.
-abcdef Letters are interpreted as options. If one of them can take an argument, the rest of the string is passed to it.
-- The rest of the command line arguments will be interpreted as positional arguments.

Property lists

Parser properties

Properties that can be set as arguments when calling or constructing a parser, in this order:

Property Type
name String
description String
epilog String

Other properties:

Property Type
usage String
help String
require_command Boolean
handle_options Boolean
add_help Boolean or string or table
command_target String
usage_max_width Number
usage_margin Number
help_max_width Number
help_usage_margin Number
help_description_margin Number
help_vertical_space Number

Command properties

Properties that can be set as arguments when calling or constructing a command, in this order:

Property Type
name String
description String
epilog String

Other properties:

Property Type
hidden_name String
summary String
target String
usage String
help String
require_command Boolean
handle_options Boolean
action Function
add_help Boolean or string or table
command_target String
hidden Boolean
usage_max_width Number
usage_margin Number
help_max_width Number
help_usage_margin Number
help_description_margin Number
help_vertical_space Number

Argument properties

Properties that can be set as arguments when calling or constructing an argument, in this order:

Property Type
name String
description String
default Any
convert Function or table
args Number or string

Other properties:

Property Type
target String
defmode String
show_default Boolean
argname String or table
choices Table
action Function or string
init Any
hidden Boolean

Option and flag properties

Properties that can be set as arguments when calling or constructing an option or a flag, in this order:

Property Type
name String
description String
default Any
convert Function or table
args Number or string
count Number or string

Other properties:

Property Type
hidden_name String
target String
defmode String
show_default Boolean
overwrite Booleans
argname String or table
choices Table
action Function or string
init Any
hidden Boolean